Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

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  3. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Do you have thoughts or images that pop into your mind and won’t go away?
  • Does your child spend significant time washing their hands?
  • Do you feel the need to check things until you feel just right?

What is OCD?

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by repetitive mental obsessions (thoughts or images) that cause significant distress. Individuals will then engage in certain rituals (compulsions) to help neutralize or get rid of the thought and reduce anxiety. Compulsions can include cleaning, checking, counting, reassurance seeking, etc. However, engaging in these compulsions often leads the obsessions to exacerbate over time and can become incredibly time consuming and distressing. While many people may have obsessions, individuals with OCD experience extreme anxiety from the obsessions and engagement in the compulsion helps reduce or eliminate this anxiety.

OCD Treatment

It can be hard to take the first step to seek help. But the sooner you reach out for support, the sooner you can start breaking the obsessive-compulsive cycle. At Wellspring, our therapists create a warm and comfortable environment where you will feel heard and supported throughout the treatment process. Your therapist will work with you to ensure you feel supported through the process and enlist you as a partner in your treatment.

Wellspring has several therapists that are trained to treat OCD using Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) in children, teens, and adults. Research has demonstrated that CBT is the treatment of choice for OCD and leads to the most effective results. Treatment involves teaching you to identify and understand your obsessive thoughts while learning tools to help support you in the process.

Successful treatment of OCD will include exposure and response prevention (ER/P) therapy. Exposure therapy involves facing your fears gradually to help you better cope with your distressing thoughts and images. You will learn to tolerate your anxiety when obsessions arise without engaging in compulsions. Through this process, anxiety gradually begins to decrease over time and your urge to engage in the compulsion reduces. Your therapist will work collaboratively with you to ensure you feel confident with this portion of the therapy process.