Parenting a preschool-aged child comes with its joys and challenges. This is a vital time for developing a strong, emotional connection between the parent and child that will allow your child to form better and stronger relationships throughout life. Developing secure attachments early allows a child to build autonomy and independence as they grow.
Wellspring provides several approaches to working with preschool-aged children and their families, including play therapy, art therapy, and parent consultation, while using an attachment-based therapeutic approach to support the development of a secure parent/child relationship. In addition to providing sessions in the office, our therapists are available to provide observations in your child’s preschool or in your home and can make recommendations to parents and teachers on how to best support the child in these environments.
Treatment typically involves an assessment period of several sessions to gain a thorough understanding of the problem and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. The therapist will then provide recommendations to you as the parent for what to expect from therapy and direction on how to best support your child. Parental involvement is an essential and necessary component of treatment for young children. Parents are an integral part of the therapeutic process and you will be coached on how to respond to your child in session to develop new interaction patterns that can be transferred outside of the therapy office.
Wellspring also offers in-home therapy and coaching to guide and support families with managing behavior challenges in the environments in which they occur. The therapist will observe your child and the familial interactions and gently guide and train you on supporting your child’s needs and responding to their behavior.
Therapy for preschool-aged children can include treatment for the following:
- Excessive tantrums
- Behavioral outbursts
- Anger
- Refusal to comply
- Sadness
- Adoption issues
- Difficulty with transitions
- Challenges relating to people
- Toilet training, enuresis, encopresis
- Sleep Issues
- Eating Issues
- Issues stemming from sensory defensiveness