Wellspring in the Media

Wellspring in the Media

Wellspring Psychotherapy Center and its therapists have been featured in the media for their expertise in different fields. See what we’ve been up to below!

Rescuing Responsibility

Wellspring founder, Dr. Simone Rodin, appeared in a video called “Rescuing Responsibility,” for her expertise on teen mindset. The video was from Tamalpais High School on the students who are part of the Marin County Search and Rescue Team.

Social Media’s Influence on Teens

Dr. Simone Rodin was featured in an article in the Redwood Bark, Redwood High School’s Student News Page. In the article, she speaks about the influence of different social media apps and how it affects teen expectations and perception.

In our modern, technological world, the growth in the population of cellphone users is often displayed through the increase in the use of social media applications and popular content. Smaller and smaller hands now grasp at the progressively larger devices, creating an extremely phone-dependent generation. … Click the article title or picture to read more.

Parenting Playbook Online Series: PCIT Strategies for the Win!

Struggling with tantrums or defiance? Join our Parenting Playbook Online Series and discover proven PCIT strategies! Free Intro Class