Family Therapy

Working together as family, especially during a transitional time, can be instrumental in supporting your loved one’s mental health and wellbeing. Negative messages from our society related to LGBTQI individuals can lead to feelings of shame and sadness. For this reason, having a supportive network can create an environment of acceptance allowing your loved one to feel confident in being themselves.

At Wellspring, every kind of family is welcome. There is no “one size fits all” solution to the inevitable social, emotional and behavioral challenges that all families face. Family relationships are rich and complex and whether you are a parent, child, sibling or spouse, we all play a role in how the family system functions on a day-to-day basis.

Family therapy LGBTQI

Our therapists are experts at helping you deal with issues that are specific to the LGBTQI community such as alternative relationship structures, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender parenting, and internalized and externalized homophobia and transphobia. Whether you are LGBTQI or someone in your family is, we can help individualize therapy to your family’s personal needs.

Family therapy can help you learn how to communicate and interact with each other in a supportive way. Family members can feel free to express themselves in a safe, contained space and learn how to better interact with each other. Working with a therapist who has expertise in LGBTQI issues can help family members with education, communication, and understanding. We work from a strength-based approach that is compassionate and client-centered.

Learn how to support and accept one another with a skilled therapist who can affirm your experiences and provide individualized guidance on your journey.

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Parenting Playbook Online Series: PCIT Strategies for the Win!

Struggling with tantrums or defiance? Join our Parenting Playbook Online Series and discover proven PCIT strategies! Free Intro Class